
{fig&viper romper and headband, american apparel button up, steve madden heels}

Do I look pissed? Yesterday I watched this 1992 film Poison Ivy starred by Drew Barrymore. I am actually fascinated by the story. Yes, it’s dark and twisted but I think that’s what I love about it. It’s not your ordinary boy meets girl and they live happily ever after.. It has a deeper meaning or shallow emptiness within. It depends on your own perspective of course!

I would like to ask you some questions! It could be too dark.. It’s not for the faint of heart so if you are, skip it! First, if your father’s blaming you for your mother’s death? What would you do? Would you rebel? Would you prove them wrong? How?

Second, if someone’s close to you is melancholic and wants to commit suicide? Would you rather kill her by suggesting ways to do it? What reasons would you give to make her stay alive or at least physically existing?

And last, would you allow yourself to have sex with someone who has deep troubles in his heart? To make him happy?

Going back to the story, everything Ivy did to help other people destroyed them. In philosophy, if someone wants to commit suicide, you should allow them. We didn’t choose the dates we were born but we can actually pick a date to die. Indeed, Ivy is suggesting that. However in the end, did she win? No.

If you want to know my answers to the question above, please watch the movie first. You can search it on youtube. And I choose to go against everything Ivy had decided.

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege t is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
-Marcus Aurelius

Mint with jeans

Dzisiejsze zdjęcia to idealny zestaw na upały!

Koszulka ma fajny miętowy odcień i ciekawy lekko transparentny wzór. Oryginalne buty – creepersy – z Merg możecie oglądać już drugi raz. Na allegro wystawiłam kilka rzeczy m. in. koronkową sukienkę i spodenki z flagą Usa. Dwa posty niżej można też wziąć udział w konkursie Oasap. Odliczcie dni do wakacji? 🙂
 koszulka – Primark
spodenki – Bershka
naszyjnik – Ebay
buty – Merg

How to wear pastels: salmon pink and mint green

Pastels strikes again: this time is the turn of salmon pink and mint green. I have spiced up this otherwise boring outfit with the Sam Edelman Lorissa spike pumps in nude.
What do you think? Yay or nay?

Thanks Alice of Appunti di Moda for these pictures!



Ecco qui un nuovo look all’insegna del pastello: è la volta del rosa salmone stinto e del verde menta.
Siccome mi annoiava un po’ questo look l’ho ravvivato con le mie Lorissa!
Cosa ne pensate? Pollice su o pollice giù?
Grazie Alice di  Appunti di Moda  per queste foto!








H&M Blouse, ring and cuff
Zara pants
Sam Edelman Lorissa spike pumps
Alexander Mc Queen De Mantra clutch

Train wheels beating, the wind in my eyes

Tego lata jedną z moich największych inspiracji jest Włóczykij w każdej możliwej postaci- i moje wakacje zapowiadają się całkiem włóczykijowato, i do moich codziennych strojów mam ochotę przemycać tyle włóczykijowatości, ile tylko się da. Dzisiaj miałam na sobie mundur harcerski, który znalazłam na dnie szafy podczas ostatniej wizyty u babci- najbardziej prawdopodobna wersja głosi, że należał do starszego brata mojej mamy, gdy był jeszcze w liceum. W swój własny mundurek, z czasów podstawówki, mogłabym się już nie zmieścić. Mundur wujka przeleżał zapomniany w szafie dobre czterdzieści lat, ale i tak przy pierwszym przymierzaniu wytrzepałam z kieszeni piasek i jakieś gałązki. Żeby nie wyglądać już zupełnie jak strażnik parku Yellowstone z bajki o Misiu Yogi, dorzuciłam skórzane sandały na obcasie i złote dodatki w dużej ilości.
This summer one of my biggest inspirations is Snufkin- a tiny little wanderer from the Swedish children books and cartoons about Moomins. Not only my holidays will be probably full of road trips, wandering and exploring, but I’m also trying to put as much snufkin-style elements into my everyday outfit as possible. Today I was wearing a scout uniform, which I found in one of my grandma’s closets- it probably belonged to my mum’s older brother, when he was sill in high school. I think I have my own scout uniform hidden somewhere in my parent’s house, but I’d be much too small for me now. Anyway, my uncle’s uniform looks surprisingly good after lying under a pile of other clothes for forty years- it still had sand and twigs in its pockets when I was trying it on. I didn’t want to look entirely like Ranger Smith, so I added a pair of leather sandals and some golden accessories.

Same Clothes, Different Celebrity

Parece que também as celebridades andam encantadas com o coral, que é, sem dúvida, uma das grandes cores deste verão!
Tanto a cantora Britney Spears como a actriz Asley Tisdale se encantaram por este vestido de Brian Lichtenberg.
A cantora conjugou-o com os pumps pretos durante a filmagem do Factor X em Maio, enquanto a actriz optou por uns sapatos nude, esta quinta-feira, para a abertura de um restaurante em Las Vegas.


Na minha opinião, o vestido ficou muito melhor à Ashley e mesmo a combinação com os sapatos nude ficou  mais discreta e elegante.
E, vocês, o que acham?

Summer time

Ciepłe dni, trochę wolnego i dużo pomysłów – tak powstała ta stylizacja. Połączenie koronkowej bluzki ze spodenkami w paski tworzy fajny zestaw. Do tego perłowa bransoletka stąd.
Przepraszam za przymrużone oczy na zdjęciach, ale raziło mnie słońce.


 bluzka – Zara
spodenki, torba – h&m
płaszcz – Mayoral